【同义词辨析】 2018-12-18 无耻shameless-impudent

shameless: implies a lack of effective restraints, such as modesty, an active conscience, or a sense of decency: told a ~ lie.

brazen: adds to shameless an implication of defiant insolence: stood up to him with ~ arrogance.

barefaced: implies absence of all efforts to disguise or mask one's transgressions and connotes extreme effrontery: a ~lie.  effrontery无耻无礼implies disregard of courtesy or propriety拒绝考虑礼貌礼节,可见和本组最后一个词相同, 如had the effrontery to tell me how to do my job无耻地告诉我怎么工作(表现为无礼))

brash: stresses impetuousness and may imply heedlessness and temerity: won them over with his ~ but charming manner.  impetuous冲动莽撞: 表示非常冲动没耐心stresses extreme impatience or impulsiveness,如it is a bit impetuous to propose marriage on the third date第三次约会就求婚有点冲动,这个词很好记因为三个词都以imp开头。冲动不一定贬义,在《君主论》倒数第2章,马基雅维利说: "I certainly think that it is better to be impetuous than cautious, for fortune is a woman ...我确信冲动好于慎重,因为命运是个女人...她喜欢1是胆大2是年轻的人") (temerity大胆无礼(贬): rashness and contempt of danger不考虑后果,比如被拒绝嘲讽,如had the temerity to ask for a favor after that insult那次侮辱后又胆大无礼地求人帮忙) (audacity表示不考虑常规谨慎限制显得大胆,一般是褒义implies a disregard of restraints commonly imposed by convention or prudence, 如an entrepreneur with audacity and vision一个兼具胆量和眼光的企业家,the audacity of hope是奥巴马写的书《大胆希望》)

impudent: adds to shameless implications of bold or pert defiance of consideration of modesty or decency: a rude and ~ reply to a polite question.

shameless无耻: 指缺乏应有的克制,如谦虚体面良知,brazen无耻且傲慢: 在无耻基础上增加了傲慢不服从的意思defy拒不服从),barefaced恬不知耻: 指毫不掩饰过错,显得十分无礼,brash冲动自信: 强调做事冲动莽撞不顾忌,impudent无礼: 拒不考虑谦虚体面

记忆方法:1)首字母IS BBB是3个B<==无耻

          2) 无耻的意思是大胆无羞耻mean characterized by boldness and a lack of sense of shame.